Meet Our Founder, Yuan.
With a Bachelor degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Monash University and over 10 years of clinical experience as a dietitian, Yuan is an expert in human nutrition.
However, her expertise isn’t just from clinical experience, but also from personal experience.
Yuan developed PCOS in her teens and also went on to have endometriosis, which was diagnosed in her 20s.
She tried everything to deal with the pain, the central weight gain and the exhaustion that came with the PCOS and endometriosis, made worse by the stress from owning and operating a half million dollar company.
Through these experiences, Yuan realised that conventional wisdom just wasn’t cutting it. Her energy levels were low, her brain was foggy and everything just felt harder than it should be. This forced her to reassess her knowledge, practice and beliefs around nutrition, and how she could use it to improve energy and peak performance as a business owner.
Yuan was able to, through nutrition, reverse her own PCOS and get her previously serious and rampant endometriosis under control. After 6 surgeries to remove cysts and endo over a 10 year span, her doctors were convinced that natural conception was not possible. However, Yuan beat the odds and last year in September, gave birth to a naturally conceived baby girl, Charli.
For her clients, Yuan utilises bleeding-edge research to help them achieve hormonal and metabolic optimization. She believes that nutritional science is a rapidly progressive science, and following guidelines just will not allow her clients to receive the best quality care that is available.
Her passion in nutrition and thirst for being the best and helping her clients be at their best led her to becoming a world renowned dietitian and coach for small business owners striving towards peak performance.
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